My Journey

This is my journey so far and there is another story waiting


Join the Informatics Student Association

be part of the education department

Untar web programming competition finalist at Untar

take part in a web programming competition with the team

1st place in web programming competition at UPNVJT

take part in a web programming competition with the team

Started studying at UPNVJT

Glad to be accepted as first choice


Graduated from SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya

Yeaay final chapter smk


Internship at Intive studio as web developer

Learning there for 6 months

1st place in web programming competition at UDINUS

take part in a web programming competition with the team

3rd place in design web competition at Universitas Yarsi

take part in a web programming competition with the team


started attending school at SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya

majored in software engineering